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Before start writing this article.I would like to let you know about this famous quote given below.


You can get 100 percent marks very easily in cbse board examination or any other board examinations, if you write your answers with 100 percent confidence.

Let us start to know about the pro tips to get 100 percent marks in CBSE board exam or any other board exam.This article is also useful for those students whose question is 
How can i get 100 percent marks in board exam easily ?

First of all you need to have your exact syllabus from official source.

Your syllabus must be downloaded or obtained from official source.It will ensure proper study material for that, you have clear vision towards your syllabus.

Now you need to have a smart routine to do smart study with proper revision.

Smart routine ensures that you are studying routine also ensures "work less profit more". You can do regular revision with the help of smart routine.If you do regular revision according to your smart routine,it can helps you to obtain Full marks in your exam.

(This is smart routine) JUST FOR EXAMPLE PURPOSE.

Finally, you need to study with good consistency in a disciplined manner.

It is very essential for you to do study in constant manner. Regular basis of study improves your daily study hours. Also it is scientifically proven that doing revision regularly clears doubts in hard concepts.If your concepts are clear you can write your answerbook with 100% confidence.So that, you can obtain Full marks in your exam very easily with regular revision of your concepts.

Ensure that you can solve every question of the previous year.

If you have solved previous year questions multiple times then you are definitely going to get 100 percent marks in your exam. On the basis of previous year questions you can predict questions of your upcoming exam. Some students ignore the importance of previous year questions. That's reason they gets very less marks which is bigger than their expectations. Previous year question is as important as your textbook's exercise questions.

Ensure that you can solve every question of your textbook.

Before appearing in exam you should ensure that you can solve every question of your textbook with 100 percent confidence. On the basis of your prescribed textbook questions are designed for examination.
If you are already master of your textbook. Then, you need to revise your textbook questions. Don't try to study with too many books of same subject. Only choose to study with your syllabus based textbook Do not waste too much time on note making.

Do not waste too much time on note making.

Time is non refundable use it with intention.

Wasting of too much time on note making consumes your precious time. Instead of consuming time on note making. You should choose to revise your hard conecpts .  Concept clearing and doubt clearance are very important in order to obtain Full marks. Use your precious time wisely. You can surely obtain 100 percent marks in any exam.

Concept clearing is compulsory.

It is very essential for a student to clear concepts before appearing for examination. If you have most of your textbook concepts cleared. Then it very easy for you to pass your exam with good marks. Doubts and understanding of concepts determines the quality of marks you can obtain. You should focus on complex concepts more precisely in order to understand that concept.

Do group study. It is scientifically proven that group study is an effective way to study.

Group study image

Group study is one of the most effective way to study without tiredness and procastination . Group study may help you to understand complex concepts without any difficulty. In group study you can do study for long hours. Most of the student choose to study in group in this world. Many educational institutions choose group study as a tool for weak students to improve their results. With group study syllabus can be easily completed. You can choose group study in order to obtain good marks or full marks in any exam.

Lastly, I would like to tell you that you must have a confidence for achieving 100% marks, until the last seconds before your result comes out.


  1. How many times have you got a 100 % marks ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. Look at the routine 🤣 its for 12th students , what was the link doing in a group full of engineering students.🤣🤣🤣

  3. Next time please tell us how to make arduino robots .

  4. This time i am not subscribing nor sharing , but next time if u tell us how to make arduino robots , i must will subscribe and share too.


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